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Mobility is resumed now that work on the Sants - la Sagrera tunnel’s surroundings has finished

10/08/2021 - 12:33 h

Work on the Sants - la Sagrera tunnel’s three new emergency exits has finished and the Eixample surroundings’ usual mobility is resuming where the initiatives were carried out, at the junctions between C/ Mallorca- C/ Nàpols, C/ Mallorca- C/ Independència and C/ Provença- C/ Urgell.

  • Pedestrians, cyclists, private vehicles and public transport can now travel as normal the surroundings of the points where work was carried out for opening three new emergency exits from the Sants – la Sagrera tunnel, which are joining the six that the infrastructure already has available. Besides the re-establishment of mobility there, loading and unloading areas and the green zone’s parking parking places are also resuming.

    The work also involved reurbanisation of the three junction’s chamfers, where the pavements have been expanded and trees will be planted once the rooting season has arrived.

    More specifically, mobility is being re-established as follows:

      • C/ Mallorca– C/ Independència junction: pedestrian paths and bicycle lanes and roads in general are reopening.
      • C/ Mallorca– C/ Nàpols junction: all work elements have been removed from the sea-facing side, pedestrian paths have been reopened and vehicle traffic re-established along C/ Mallorca. A bike lane has been installed in C/ Mallorca, along the C/ Sicília – C/ Roger de Flor section. Work is being carried out on Av Diagonal’s drainage system from C/ Roger de Flor and the bike lane temporarily diverted for connection to the lane along Av Diagonal and Passeig de Sant Joan. The mountain-facing side is being reserved for use in an initiative under the “Protegim les escoles” [We’re protecting schools] programme, which is not affecting pedestrians, but is closing traffic on the mountain-facing side of the chamfer, that is, vehicles travelling through C/ Nàpols cannot cross C/ Mallorca.

      C/ Provença-C/ Urgell junction: pedestrian paths, bike lanes and roads were re-opened a few weeks ago. In addition, the bus service at the three emergency exits is resuming its lane, having been disrupted by the work, while the loading and unloading areas and green zone at the chamfers are re-opening.