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Presentation of the Barcelona urban flora and fauna guides

18/01/2024 - 09:15 h

Barcelona City Council, Parks and Gardens and Cossetània Edicions will be presenting these two publications in the Hivernacle plant house in the Parc de la Ciutadella on Sunday, 28 January.

Barcelona City Council , Parks and Gardens and Cossetània Edicions have published the ‘Guia de flora urbana de Barcelona’, by Pere Barnola and Josep M. Panareda, which features a sample of the thousand plus plant species found in the city, and the ‘Guia de fauna urbana de Barcelona’, by Sergi Garcia and Martí Franch, which gives us the low-down on the most representative species of wildlife found in Barcelona which, in many cases, we are not familiar with.

The Guia de flora urbana de Barcelona [Guide to urban flora in Barcelona] includes more than 125 plant species, organised by scientific name and with their common names in Catalan and Spanish. The guide gives priority to the plants that grow spontaneously around spaces which have been built on or altered by human activity or domestic animals.

With the Guia de fauna urbana de Barcelona [Guide to urban fauna in Barcelona] we discover all the species found around us, in addition to the ones we already know, such as pigeons, cockroaches, rats and sparrows. This guide features vertebrate and invertebrate species which are found in three urban settings: buildings, gardens and aquatic spaces.

The presentation of the guides, which will take place in the Hivernacle building in the Parc de la Ciutadella at 11 am, includes an itinerary around the park itself, identifying both plants and animals that appear in the publications and explaining some of the most notable elements in his natural space.