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Tax by-laws to keep driving the economy and boost sustainability

18/10/2021 - 17:28 h

The proposal on tax by-laws for 2022 is based on freezing municipal taxes and providing different types of tax relief in the environmental sphere. The proposed measures mean a forecast of a drop of nearly 600,000 euros in revenue in the municipal budget for next year.

Measures for the climate emergency

  • Discount of 30% for three tax periods on the property tax for industrial properties installing systems to make use of thermal or electric energy from the sun (solar panelling). This matches the existing discount for buildings for residential or tertiary uses.
  • Amendment to the municipal waste collection tax for private homes, which includes a 20% discount for local people with an individual system if they contribute organic waste more than 40 times in a year.

Occupation of public streets and squares

  • The special discount of 75% on the terrace tax applied to combat the health crisis during the pandemic disappears.
  • Artistic activities in the street are exempt.
  • Film shoots of cultural interest will get a 90% reduction.

Technical improvements

  • The municipal surcharge on the tax on overnight stays in tourist accommodation will match the tax accrual period from the Government of Catalonia, to facilitate its management.
  • New tax by-law to unify and reformulate the use of existing telecommunications in the city, except for landlines and mobiles.

New taxes

  • To favour the e-administration, new taxes are to be introduced for the reproduction paper copies of documents already available in digital format.
  • Tax on the issue of reports relating to the authorisation of drone flights in the city, which are preceptive for obtaining authorisation for the competent authority, the State Agency for Aerial Security.


The proposal for tax by-laws will be debated and subjected to judgement at the Commission for Economy and Tax on 20 October. The full council meeting of the same month should give its provisional approval, leading to a public scrutiny period of 30 working days before its final approval in the full council meeting of December 2021.