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The Barcelona 2030 Agenda Awards are back to recognise the best initiatives for meeting the SDGs

06/04/2023 - 11:42 h

The second edition of the 2030 Agenda Awards has arrived and is open to all the innovative and inspiring projects that help to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have a single, clear objective: to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone, as defined by the UN General Assembly in 2015. The future is worrying and it is for this reason that Barcelona City Council is committed to meeting these SDGs and, for the second year running, it has launched the 2030 Agenda Award call to recognise the best practices being carried out in the various sectors of society to achieve these goals, be they direct actions, dissemination, participation or educational initiatives.

Barcelona is working hard to improve and become a leading city in the applications of the goals set by the 2030 Agenda and, following the success of the previous edition, it has decided to launch a second edition of these honorary awards, that will help to ensure these goals are met. Any physical or legal person from Barcelona or its metropolitan area can take part until 10 May.

What kinds of actions and initiatives can be presented?

Any actions carried out in the two years prior to the publication of the call can be entered for the awards and even actions that are no longer being carried out but which were a success while they were up and running. The entry submission period is from 21 March to 10 May.

9 modalities:

The awards have three categories and a total of 9 modalities, and the contestant has to decide which category is the best fit for their action or initiative. Within the category “Awards for the best initiatives for achieving the SDGs”, candidates can opt for ‘best initiative promoted by a company’, ‘best initiative promoted by a non-profit organisation’, and ‘best initiative promoted by an administration or public authority’.

There is also a second category called “Awards for the best dissemination, awareness-raising and social participation initiatives related to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs’, which includes three award modalities: best product for disseminating knowledge of the 2030 Agenda, best awareness-raising campaign on the SDGs and best initiative for fostering participation in the SDGs.

Finally, the third category corresponds to education and rewards the best educational initiatives related to the 2030 Agenda: the best initiative from a primary school, best initiative from a secondary school and best higher education initiative.

The winners from the first edition

The first edition of the 2030 Agenda Awards was a great success and it is for this reason that it was decided to repeat the initiative. To enable people to find out more about the winners of the 2022 edition, the City Council has produced a series of podcasts (link to list of podcasts can go here) presenting each of the winning initiatives from the previous edition. There are a total of 10 podcasts, each around 15 minutes long. .