Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan (2015-2018)

The Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan (PMQAB) details present and future measures, as well as those already operating in the city, to combat pollution in the air we breath in Barcelona, moving towards a more efficient society, with lower emissions, a quality environment and quality of life for citizens.

Action is grouped into six basic themes: mobility, energy, port/airport, urban services and communication and transparency of information. Those in charge of and involved with the plans, along with the corresponding departments at Barcelona City Council responsible for the measures envisaged, will oversee the implementation of the actions proposed.

The PMQAB brings together other city plans: municipal action plans and sectoral planning tools such as the PECQ (Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality Plan for Barcelona 2011-2020), the Urban Mobility Plan, the Energy Self-Sufficiency Plan and other additional measures relating to urban services, environmental education, communication etc.

The roll-out of the PMQAGB in its entirety means complying with the emission limit values set out by regulations in all points of the city.

The main tool for assessing air quality is the XVPCA (Network for Monitoring and Forecasting Air Pollution), co-managed in Barcelona by the city's Public Health Agency and the Government of Catalonia.

View the PMQAB

View the programme of measures against air pollution 2017-2020 (PDF)

Government Measure

11 facilities

make up the network of air quality control stations

7 of these stations

offer real-time data


are the large areas of action provided for under the Air Quality Improvement Plan


Pooling the initiatives under way and established in the city during the 2011-2015 period for improving the quality of the air.


Providing an overall picture aimed at enabling prioritisation of the initiatives and implementing others while giving citizens and the authorities clear and transparent information on what is being done.