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Comprehensive redevelopment of public spaces
The Public Plan for Improvement of the public space in Barcelona foresees improvement in public roads with works in 65 streets and 13 parks in all districts. It is an investment of around 45.57 million euros. The plan involves actions according to the needs of the road, such as covering overhead wiring lines of low voltage networks or services, renovation or rehabilitation of sewage, renovation of sidewalks, driveway, replacement and renovation lighting, street trees, street furniture or accessibility elements in the street. All of them involve regeneration of public roads and improving the quality of public space.
The Plan takes shape planting around 600 new trees, renovating 56,875 m2 of sidewalks, updating of 1,950 points of light and rehabilitating 3,500 meters of sewers. 4875 meters of airline services will be buried and 79,600 m2 will be paved with new asphalt. These urban regeneration work allow for around 213,525 kw / h of savings in the electricity bill of the city.
213 525 kw / h
in energy savings for the city
1,950 points of light
79,600 m2 paved
with new asphalt
Achieving the targets for the improvements being jointly made to accessibility, lighting, urban landscapes, drainage, gardening and maintenance while seeking to minimise any nuisance to users, keeping costs down to a minimum and ensuring maximum efficiency.