Discount rates at Municipal Sports Centres
The aim is to make it possible for more city residents to do regular physical activities, fostering equal opportunities for accessing facilities that are, above all, a basic service for city residents.
The city's facilities offer a total of 200 different rates, and you can consult them directly at each facility. There are rates for infants, children and young people; rates for families, single-parent families, large families or for a third family member; advantages for Targeta Rosa card holders; refugees; unemployed people, and many other discounts.
From 2024, the Barcelona City Council has places at a 40% discount on the monthly fee for people between 25 and 60 years old, registered in the city of Barcelona and unemployed.
A minimum of 4 uses per month is established. In order to maintain the subsidy, attendance will be checked periodically and in case of non-compliance, the subsidy will be cancelled. It will also not be possible to register in addition to a center simultaneously with a subsidized rate for unemployed people.
The City Council has other special fees for age groups that are not included in this subsidy. It is recommended that interested persons contact the chosen sports center and inquire about these other options for social fees.