The OMIC continues to provide its services to the public electronically and through the 010 phone service. Claims and enquiries will continue to be preferably dealt with online. For those inquiries or complaints that require face-to-face attention, you must make an appointment in advance on the municipal procedures portal, by calling 010, or at the Municipal Procedures Kiosk.

Financial services

When it comes to entering into a contract for a financial product with one of the many banks and financial institutions in existence, it is often easy to get lost in all the jargon and terminology. Do we have enough financial knowledge to understand each and every one of the conditions of the contracts we sign? There is enough case law confirming that consumers are often unaware of the terms of contracts that can bind them to a bank and/or financial institution for years. This is why it is so important to seek proper advice before signing.

In the event of a dispute, you can make claims in relation to the following products through the OMIC:

  • Bank contracts
  • Bank fees
  • Bank cards
  • Mortgage loans
  • Registers of bad payers
  • Quick loans
Serveis financers