ICA visit to prepare the 2025 Archival Congress

19/12/2022 - 15:59 h - Culture and leisure Andrea Hernández Guerra

On December 15 and 16, a delegation from the ICA (International Council on Archives) came to Barcelona to meet with the organizers of the ICA Congress 2025 that will take place in our city in two years under the motto “Knowing the past, building futures .” This Congress, which will be the great international event for archives and document management professionals, is being prepared, led by ICA, by representatives of the Barcelona Municipal Archive (Barcelona City Council), the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalonia, and the Association of Archival and Document Management Professionals (ACC).

This visit has meant a first contact on the logistical aspects for the organization of the Congress, attended by Jossé Kirps and Carlos Serrano, president and executive director of the ICA, Joaquim Borràs and Ana Pazos, chief archivist of Barcelona City Council and head of the Service of Coordination of Barcelona Municipal Archive Centers, Sònia Hernández and Enric Cobo, General Director of Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat de Catalunya and head of the Coordination Service of the Generalitat Archives Network, and Francesc Giménez, President of the ACC.

During the first day there have been various meetings, both institutional and technical, as well as ICA representatives have been offered a visit to the Palau Moja, headquarters of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and a visit to the Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona, ​​where some of the most relevant documents of our institution have been shown. In the case of the second day, it has been used to visit the facilities of the CCIB (Barcelona International Convention Center), the location where the International Archival Congress will take place in 2025.