The Barcelona Women’s Council is an advisory and participatory body created in 1994 with the aim of providing input for and enriching all the City Council’s policies with the gender perspective, to move forward on gender justice in Barcelona. The body provides advice and guidance, as well as legal criteria and elements on matters of interest for women in Barcelona, to be taken into account by the city government.


Who makes up the Council?

Representatives from each of the women’s associations in Barcelona, as well as representatives of the municipal corporation’s political party groups, business sector associations, public authorities and other institutions, university experts noted for their personal careers and their knowledge in matters of interest to this Council and in other related areas.

It also includes representatives from political parties and trade unions that have set up a specific committee to work in the sphere of women and, finally, the municipal staff involved in the Council's goals and priority matters.

Chair: Raquel Gil Eiroà, Councillor for Feminism, Equality and Democratic Memory:

Vice-chair from associations: Sílvia Aldavert Garcia (Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius)

Secretary: Mònica Torralba i Fernández-Velilla. Specialist from the Directorate for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs


  • Plenary Committee: the Barcelona Women’s Council's highest representational body. Members
  • Permanent Committee: the Women’s Council’s operational body, made up of the Plenary Committee’s representatives. Its functions include the authority to create work groups. Members

Work groups

Would you like to be part of the Barcelona Women’s Council?

Organisations interested in joining the Women’s Council must submit their application in writing to the Council Secretariat. You will find instructions for making applications and the corresponding files in the Further Information section.

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Who makes up the Council?

  • Barcelona City Council Directorate for Feminism and LGBTI
  • Barcelona City Council Department for the Promotion of Women's and LGBTI Rights
  • Directorate for Gender Services and Time Policies
  • Grup Municipal Junts per Catalunya (Trias Barcelona)
  • Grup Municipal Barcelona en Comú
  • Grup Municipal ERC
  • Grup Municipal PP
  • Grup Municipal VOX