A pioneer in promoting and giving a voice to women's sport who was a renowned athlete and journalist, and who also explored the fields of poetry, painting and photography. With regard to sport, she won the National Javelin Championship in 1931 and she was the first woman to join the Futbol Club Barcelona board, in 1934. Along with other women, she was also behind the creation of Club Femení i d’Esports, a pioneering sports organisation exclusively for women in Spain. She was an anti-fascist activist who suffered reprisals, went into exile in France and later moved to the United States, where she lectured at the University of Illinois. Her poems include Laberinto de presencias (1969). She returned to Barcelona at the end of the Franco regime, and in 1999, the Women Journalists’ Association awarded her the Rosa del Desert Prize, shared with Rosa Murià, in recognition of her career as a journalist. Collblanc is one of the metro stops near Camp Nou.

Barcelona 1907 – Santpedor 2000 ID 2173

An athlete, journalist, poet and painter, she was the first woman to join the board of Futbol Club Barcelona (1934). An anti-fascist activist, she lived in exile in France and the United States.