If you are going or have gone through any of these experiences, you are facing a gender violence situation:


  • He silences you.
  • He's not interested in your feelings.
  • He ridicules you in front of your friends and family.
  • He monitors your mobile or computer without your knowledge or makes you show him what you’re doing with them.
  • He belittles the way you dress or tells you what you have to wear.
  • He makes hurtful comments and says they're jokes.
  • He is jealous.
  • He blames you for the things that happen to him or turn out badly for him.
  • He is constantly suspicious of you.
  • He uses emotional blackmail on you to achieve what he wants.
  • He pressures you so you only spend time with him.



  • He belittles your opinions and tells you to shut up and that you don’t know what you're talking about.
  • He shouts at you.
  • He hits you and says they are signs of affection.
  • He tells you you're always doing things to make him jealous.
  • He hits the wall, furniture or objects when he gets angry.
  • He destroys one of your personal items.
  • He destroys an object from a friend or family member who is important to you.
  • He pushes you.
  • He blames you for all the rows and tension.
  • He gets angry out of all proportion for little things.
  • You avoid his getting angry however you can.



  • He doesn’t let you meet up with your friends and family.
  • You feel isolated.
  • He argues with a female or male friend because he’s jealous.
  • He forces you to have sexual relations you do not want and/or when you do not want them.
  • He grabs you strongly by the neck.
  • He threatens you with objects or arms.
  • He threatens to kill you.