The affectionate sexual relationship models promoted by the hegemonic forms of masculinity are often based on values and beliefs about love, relationships and sexuality that imply inequality, hierarchy and oppression.

Popular ideas on affectionate sexual relationships are influenced by romantic love, which justifies, normalises and also reinforces relationships based on dependence, jealousy, control and submission. Likewise, the hegemonic forms of masculinity not only permit but also promote the exercise of power and domination, making it difficult to express emotions or vulnerability, communicate openly, listen actively and in an empathetic way or show respect for diversity in emotional and sexual relations. Legitimising this set of ideas and beliefs fosters a system of sexist values that justify gender violence and abusive relationships.

The deconstruction of this model has to facilitate positive affectionate relationship models that make us feel good and help us to live and grow as free people, and to foster relationships based on respect and mutual recognition between equals.


  • Myths of romantic love and gender stereotypes
  • Interpersonal communication tools
  • Sexuality
  • Models of domination, control and possession
  • “Micro-chauvinisms”
  • Caring for the other and oneself