Male violence against women is a structural violence in our society. It has been treated as normal for a very long time and conceived as a domestic problem, a private problem in a couple’s relationship, something that took place behind closed doors. For that reason it is not always easy to detect it or to tackle it. This situation not only affects the general public but also institutions, services and staff who work in this area.

Analysing power and social privileges based on the sex-gender system allows us to identify and detect how abusive or violent relationships are constructed. And clearly seeing the causes and consequences of this violence enables us to tackle the problem from a comprehensive perspective that avoids any form of reductionism and moves us closer to a more conscious view and understanding of the phenomenon.


  • Detection and identification of violence
  • Types and spheres. Social and cultural context
  • “Micro-chauvinisms”
  • Causes and consequences of violence
  • Internal experiences associated with gender violence
  • Tools and resources for acting in a non-violent way