Writer, journalist and activist. She wrote numerous publications, including novels, essays, poetry, theatre and informative press articles. The situation of women featured in all of her works. Prominent among these is La fabricanta (1904), a novel featuring a working-class girl who manages to get ahead through her own efforts. From a conservative feminist perspective, she published texts with pioneering contributions, such as Estudi feminista (1909). She pushed for the creation of the Needleworkers Association (1910), with the aim of establishing a structure for advice and protection, as well as free medical assistance and employment guidance. She was the first woman president of the Barcelona Floral Games, in 1910, when the prize was won by Víctor Català, with his novel Solitud.

Barcelona 1845 – 1919 ID 5859

A writer of novels, essays, poetry and theatre, and a journalist and activist, she used to sign her name Dolors Monserdà de Macià. She published pioneering texts, like Estudi feminista, and promoted the creation of the Patronat d’Obreres de l’Agulla.