Culture and collective memory
Women play an active and key role in cultural activities in the city, but have not always been recognised for that. Their role in maintaining life throughout the centuries has been undervalued and their contributions to culture and society as a whole have always been regarded as secondary. Of course, the recovery of historical memory is especially important for bringing visibility to women’s contributions to our society.
- Cultural citizen activity
- Cultural planning
- Decision-making in the city’s cultural sphere
- Recognition and collective memory
Gender differences can be observed in general in the various cultural activities carried out by men and women: reading newspapers, books or magazines; viewing films and performing arts; visits to exhibitions and use of the Internet etc. The cultural facilities used most in Barcelona are libraries and community centres, and also show distinct patterns of use between women and men.
On the other hand, women generally have greater difficulties taking part in the cultural activities that are planned in the city, because they dedicate more time than men, among other reasons, to reproductive tasks, many of the cultural activities are performed during inflexible time slots and do not provide for care spaces.