Campaign 2016
Adopting the slogan “Not even half. Don’t give them half a chance”, the 2016-2017 campaign against gender violence publicly expressed a resounding rejection of any form of violence, even the tiniest hint of its occurrence. The proposal was based on a Barcelona public committed to preventing even “half a chance” being given to displays of gender violence. “You’re mine” or “you're too short” are a couple of the phrases that were graphically torn apart as a visual expression of repulsion for these every acts of male chauvinism at the root of violence.
“Not even half” was an overwhelming and powerful campaign of individual and collective commitment to strengthening ties to people affected by gender violence. It called on Barcelona's residents to make a positive contribution towards eradicating gender violence, seeing as everyone had a role.
The campaign was launched through public prevention and accompaniment services and resources in cases of gender violence, which are all confidential and free.
Images from the campaign

#NiMitja from illustration
Some twenty illustrators approached this commission of interpreting the official campaign in their own way.