Actor and theatre director Margarida Xirgu i Subirà starred in, and directed, many stage performances, many of them linked to the work of Federico García Lorca, who was a very close friend of hers. She began her professional career at the Teatre Romea at the age of 18. Much of her career was spent in Latin America, where she lived in exile during the Franco dictatorship. Her extensive career as a dramatic actress and director included both classical and contemporary works, from Shakespeare and Lope de Vega to Camús and Alberti, with a particular fondness for the aforementioned Lorca. She founded the School of Dramatic Art in Santiago de Chile, and directed the Comedia Nacional Uruguaya and the Municipal School of Dramatic Art.

Molins de Rei 1888 – Montevideo (Uruguay) 1969 ID 9316

An actress and theatre director, she featured in and directed many plays. Much of her career was spent in Latin America, where she lived in exile during the Franco regime.