A renowned social anthropologist, she was also a writer and feminist activist, author of the work Les altres dones: la construcció de l’exclusió social [Other Women: the Construction of Social Exclusion]. She arrived in Barcelona in 1976 as an exile from the Videla dictatorship in Argentina, and taught at the Faculty of Geography and History at the University of Barcelona between 1977 and 2001. Her major contributions to anthropology focus on migratory movements and gender studies. Her career achievements were recognised when the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded her the Creu de Sant Jordi in 2010. Hospitalet as a whole is one of the urban areas that has seen the arrival of the highest percentage of people from other continents in recent waves of migration.

Necochea (Argentina) 1932 – Barcelona 2022 ID 0268

She arrived in Barcelona in 1976 as an exile from the Argentinian dictatorship. The author of Les altres dones: la construcció de l’exclusió social, she worked in anthropology to contribute to studies on gender and migratory movements.