Journalist, writer and translator, in 1921 María Luz Morales Godoy was editor of the women’s magazine El hogar y la Moda, and two years later began to write for La Vanguardia and other media outlets. In 1926, she won the Barcelona Chamber of Books prize in recognition of the journalistic work she had done for her article Elogio del libro (In Praise of Books). She became an expert on theatre and film, and worked as a critic. In 1940, she was reported for having been editor of La Vanguardia, and was imprisoned in the convent on the Sarrià road, as well as being barred from continuing to work as a journalist. In 1949, she returned to journalism never to give it up again, and until the very end of her life was a contributor to the Diari de Barcelona. For a time she was head of the Universitas encyclopaedia at Editorial Salvat (Mallorca, 47), near the Rocafort stop.

Marineda 1890 – Barcelona 1980 ID 8016

A journalist, writer and translator, she directed the women’s magazine El hogar y la Moda and won the Cámara del Libro of Barcelona Award in 1926. She was imprisoned in 1940 for having served as the director of La Vanguardia.