Actress, theatre director, announcer and voice-over artist, Maria Matilde Almendros i Carcasona was instrumental in the use of Catalan on the air during the post-war period and the Spanish Transition to Democracy. In 1976 she joined Radio 4, where she contributed to La veu de la sardana (The Voice of the Sardana) and Lliçons de català (Lessons in Catalan), as well as other programmes. A member of the Teatre Romea company, she directed plays such as La reina [The Queen], an adaptation of the dramatic poem by Josep Maria de Sagarra, and played leading roles in several plays, such as Terra Baixa (1953). In 1969 she received the Ondas Prize, and in 1990 the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded her the Creu de Sant Jordi. Her stop is to be found near the first radio station in Spain, which was located at Tibidabo in 1926.

Manresa 1922 – Barcelona 1995 ID 0516

Actress, theatre director, announcer and dubbing voice, she was crucial in the use of Catalan in broadcasting in the post-war period and the Spanish Transition. She worked at Ràdio 4 and was a member of the company at the Teatre Romea