Data analyst, feminist and anti-racist activist. Míriam Hatibi focuses on combating Islamophobia, defending the rights of Muslim women and calling for a more pluralistic vision of society. She has been spokesperson for the Ibn Battuta Foundation, an organisation that promotes socio-cultural and scientific exchange with Morocco, and is a strong advocate of the power of communication in achieving social change.

In 2015, she graduated in International Business and Economics from Pompeu Fabra University, and later obtained a Master’s degree in Internationalisation from the University of Barcelona. She takes part in radio and television programmes, such as Terrícoles on Betevé, and is currently a communications consultant at the Sibilare company.

Barcelona 1993 ID 8281

A data analyst and activist for the rights of Muslim women, she has served as the spokeswoman for the Ibn Batuta Foundation, which encourages socio-cultural and scientific exchange with Morocco.