Actress and voice-over artist, Montserrat Carulla i Ventura performed in more than 80 plays over the course of her career, as well as working in film, and was a leading figure in the imaginary of the small-screen in Catalonia, entertaining audiences almost without pause from 1976 to 2017. She grew up in a working-class neighbourhood in Sant Gervasi, but during the Civil War she and her two brothers were moved to Sant Feliu de Codines. At the end of the war, her father tried to flee into exile in France because of his links with the Republican side, but was held for over a year in the Argelès concentration camp. The precariousness of the post-war period marked her early years. From an early age she revealed a vocation for the arts, and soon began to work in radio. She trained at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, and began her professional career as an actor in the 1960s with roles in plays such as Josep Maria de Segarra’s adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. From then on, her career went from strength to strength, and for four decades she was one of the best-known faces on the Catalan theatre scene. She has received several awards, such as the Gold Medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya. As a child she lived in Baix Guinardó, on Passeig d’Ordi, where she remembered playing as a child.

Barcelona 1930 – 2020 ID 9381

An actress and dubber, she participated in more than 20 plays and 15 films. She was a touchstone on Catalan television, where she worked for more than four decades.