The Horta municipal sports centre is organising various activities this week to stand up for equality and equity through sporting values. On Thursday, 6 October, there’s a round table on “Women and Sport” in the sports hall at the CEM at 6 pm. The participants will be Susana Closa, manager of the Barcelona Institute of Sports; Amanda Gutiérrez, chair of the first women’s football union: Futpro; Carme Ruiz, UEH board member, head of the club’s social area and master sportswoman with the UEH swimming section; and various top-class sportswomen, such as Maica García, world champion, European champion and twice Olympic silver medallist in water polo. The session will be moderated by the TV3 presenter: Elisabet Carnicé.
Another activity by the UEH is the Masterclass Zumba 261, which is being held on 8 October at 11 am. This session will be dedicated to Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to run a marathon with an official competition number (261), in Boston in 1967, despite the attempts to prevent it.
The centre will also be offering various instruction units, with the help of graphic materials and guides provided by the Barcelona Institute of Sports in training to inform, raise awareness and train all sportspeople at the facility in gender matters.