City Police to detect possible cases of sexist violence through social media during this year’s midsummer celebrations

23/06/2021 - 10:19

Safety and prevention. The monitoring will be carried out via the hashtag #BCNantimasclista.

The special operation is designed to prevent sexist violence during local festivals and large events and has been developed in conjunction with the municipal Directorate for Feminism and LGBTI Services.

During the celebrations on the eve of Sant Joan, the City Police will be actively tracking possible cases of sexist violence on social media via the hashtag #BCNantimasclista, which anybody detecting such situations will be able to use.

The goal is to improve the prevention and detection of male violence towards women, particularly gender violence or any type of sexual violence, increasing the efficiency of the response and assistance for victims and helping them access the different municipal support services.

For any type of emergency, remember you always need to call 112. In the case of sexual aggresion, also head for a safe place and contact somebody who can help you and, if necessary, keep any proof which will help identify the aggressor. Finally, head for the accident and emergency department at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.