New support service to combat abuse in the audio-visual sector

04/05/2022 - 15:16

The service gets under way with the detection of 150 cases of abuse or harassment, notified to professionals in law, psychology and journalism.

Now anybody living in Catalonia who has suffered abuse or harassment while working in the audio-visual and performing arts sector can approach a special service offering legal and psychological support. The Department Against Abuse in the Audio-visual Sector and the Performing Arts in Catalonia has been set up by the Catalan Film Academy with the support of Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Provincial Council.

The service also handles anonymous complaints from victims and witnesses alike, and cases of prescribed offences, as victims of abuse can still need support in the repair process.

Cases are assessed by the lawyer Carla Vall and the psychologist Aina Troncoso, both specialising in abuse. The department then provides support for the legal and therapeutic path, following up by facilitating a phone line and an email address to assist with claims and activate the corresponding services.

Prevention and observatory on gender violence in the sector

This service is the first of its kind in the Spanish state and among European academies. Besides legal and psychological support, the service will also work on a protocol for good professional practice and data collection, with an observatory on gender violence in the labour and training context for audio-visuals and the performing arts. Some 150 cases of abuse have been detected to date in public and private institutions, and notified to professionals in law, psychology and journalism.