Online conference to present the Feminist Methodological Notebook: assessment of policies, plans and programmes with a gender perspective

06/10/2022 - 14:04

Presentation of a new issue of the Feminist Methodological Notebooks, this time on the assessment of plans and programmes with a gender perspective. Sign up!

Presentation of a new issue of the Feminist Methodological Notebooks, this time on the assessment of plans and programmes with a gender perspective. Sign up!

To reflect on the meaning and importance of making assessments from a gender perspective, as well as provide tools and resources to foster feminist assessment practices in local government, you are invited to an online conference to present the Quadern metodològic feminista: avaluació de plans i programes amb perspectiva de gènere [Feminist Methodological Notebook: assessment of plans and programmes with a gender perspective] on Thursday, 13 October from 12.30 pm to 2 pm.

The conference will feature international experts such as Julia Espinosa Fajardo, Doctor of Political Science and Sociology and lecturer at the University of Seville, who will talk about how making assessments with a gender perspective provides an opportunity to move forward towards more transformative policies. Júlia de Quintana Medina, an analyst at the Catalan Institute of Public Policy Evaluation (Ivàlua), will reflect on the importance of making assessments from a gender perspective for public administrations. She will be followed by Mar Camarasa Casals, a technical expert at Barcelona City Council’s Department of Gender Services and Time Policies, who will present the Feminist Methodological Notebook: assessment of plans and programmes with a gender perspective. The last speech will be given by Helena Morais Maceira, a researcher in the field of gender mainstreaming and team coordinator at the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), who will explain the European outlook in this regard, with examples. At the end there will be an opportunity for discussion.

The conference is aimed primarily at technical staff in local government and professionals wishing to learn more about how to include the gender perspective in the assessment of public plans, policies and programmes.

All you need to do if you would like to attend is sign up at, and you will be sent a link to connect to the event.

See you there!