The #100tífiques meeting focuses on technology and networks of mutual support among women

01/02/2024 - 17:48

Science. The initiative, framed in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, encourages the visibility of women scientists and promotes female vocations in the STEM field.

Today the institutional act of #100tífiques was held in the Assembly Hall of the School of Industrial Engineering of the UPC (ETSEIB), which kicks off the 6th edition of the programme of the same name, framed in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The initiative, promoted by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), with the collaboration of the Departments of Education and Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, aims to highlight the contribution of women in science and technology, break gender stereotypes and inspire boys and girls in 6th grade and 1st of ESO with close and real models of women scientists.

This year, the programme will mobilise 540 scientists from public and private organisations, who on 7 February will simultaneously give talks to more than thirty thousand pupils in the 6th year of primary school and 1st year of ESO at 451 schools throughout Catalonia. On the other hand, this morning’s meeting, which brought together some 200 people, including scientists, technologists and institutional representatives, was opened with speeches by Daniel Crespo, rector of the UPC; Eduard Vallory, director of BIST; Laura Román, secretary general of the Inter-University Council of Catalonia of the Department of Research and Universities, and Anna Simó, Catalan Minister of Education.

Daniel Crespo stressed that in order to achieve gender parity in the scientific and technological fields it is necessary to go beyond laws and also “change attitudes”. “Whether a girl decides to go into the world of technology or not will depend on her education and environment,” he added. Eduard Vallory cited the report drawn up by the European Commission She Figures 2021, which indicates that despite the fact that in Europe gender parity has already been achieved in obtaining doctoral degrees, “we are still a long way from parity in fields such as physics, mathematics and statistics, information technologies, and engineering”.

Along these lines, Anna Simó stressed that there is still a long way to go in the field of education: “Today, most boys and girls still choose their studies and professions according to the role that has historically been assigned to them: girls in the field of care; boys in science and technology”. The role of the #100tífiques programme in promoting this change of mentality among boys and girls has been recognised by Laura Román: “#100tífiques has become a point of reference for the Catalan research community and also for schools that, in addition, makes women and their research visible and encourages scientific vocations among girls, especially in highly masculinised fields, such as technology”.

Afterwards, Alba Cervera Lierta, senior researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, gave the talk Quantum technologies: past, present and future of a technological (r)evolution. In addition to the round table The importance of creating community, where four initiatives driven by women were presented with the aim of creating a relationship of solidarity and collaboration to empower other women: Regina Llopis, president d’AIA and co-founder of WA4STEAM (Women Angels for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Architecture and Mathematics); Mireia Colina, commercial vice-president at Leaf Space and co-leader and founder of the local chapter of Women in Aerospace Barcelona; Mireia Hernan, president of the Club Mujeres Politécnicas de la UPC Alumni, and Nuria Mir Font, executive director of GFT.

The event also featured a performance by Laura Farré Rozada, pianist, mathematician and researcher, who is also the director, scriptwriter and presenter of two radio programmes in which she combines science and mathematics, one on Catalunya Música and the other on Radio Clásica.

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