The full videos of the two sessions of the webinar ‘Looking at Gentrification from a Gender Perspective. Impact and Possible Responses in the Context of Covid-19' are now available.

16/11/2020 - 10:55

The full videos of the two sessions of the webinar ‘Looking at Gentrification from a Gender Perspective. Impact and Possible Responses in the Context of Covid-19' are now available.

The webinar took place on 28 September and 9 October. Its aim was to present two studies on gender and gentrification in Barcelona, foster debate about the gender impacts of gentrification, learn about resistance experiences and together find answers to address them.

In the videos of the first session, which are available in Catalan and English, you can re-watch the keynote talk on gender and gentrification given by Winifred Curran from DePaul University in Chicago, as well as the presentation of the quantitative study ‘Gentrification in the City of Barcelona from a Gender Perspective’ given by Toni López Gay from the Centre for Demographic Studies. The questions and answers and discussion with the speakers are also available for viewing.

In the videos of the second session, which are available in Spanish and English, you can first watch the presentation of the study ‘Gentrification and Gender Impact Indicator System. Application to Poblenou in Barcelona’, given by Gabriela Navas and Marc Dalmau of the Observatory of Anthropology of Urban Conflict (OACU). After this, you can view the gentrification resistance and prevention experience discussion, led by Maria Luisa Pérez Colina of Lavapiés ¿dónde vas? (Madrid), La Filadora. Assemblea Feminista de Poblenou (Barcelona) and Ricarda Goetz from the Department for Women of the City of Vienna. Finally, you can also watch the questions and answers and discussion with the speakers.

Furthermore, the two studies presented at the webinar are available for reading online: ‘Gentrification in the City of Barcelona from a Gender Perspective: a Quantitative Approach’ and its executive summary on the one hand; and, on the other, ‘Gentrification and Gender Impact Indicator System. Application to Poblenou in Barcelona’ and its executive summary.

We hope you will find this interesting!