02/11/2022 - 13:25

The Institut d'Estudis Catalans premieres the podcast 'Pioneres del coneixement'

Women and Science. Produced in collaboration with Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Provincial Council, the collection brings to light Catalan women scientists who have been or are members of the IEC.

01/11/2022 - 10:00

All ready to go with the 15th Women and Sport Awards

The 15th edition of the Woman and Sport Awards, which is introducing a new category this year, takes place on 3 November, at 6 pm, at the City Hall's historic.

© Todd Brown
28/10/2022 - 16:00

Sylvia Earle awarded as Honoris Causa by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Universities. The title recognises her research and pays tribute to her personal merit.

27/10/2022 - 19:31

Nancy Cartwright wins the Hypatia Prize

Science. Cartwright’s research has led to a new way of understanding the nature of scientific theories and causation.

Laura Pérez Castaño, quarta tinenta d'alcaldia de Drets Socials, Justícia GLobal, Feminismes i LGTBI, i Tània Verge, consellera del Departament d'Igualtat i Feminismes del Govern de la Generalitat, durant la presentació de l'acord.
13/10/2022 - 16:51

Institutional cooperation to eradicate sexist violence

Feminism and women. The City Council and the Government of Catalonia join forces to promote support services for women who suffer this type of situation.

06/10/2022 - 19:18

Montserrat Roig Awards 2021 for social journalism and communication

City Council. The awards carry a total of 40,000 euros in prize money.

06/10/2022 - 14:04

Online conference to present the Feminist Methodological Notebook: assessment of policies, plans and programmes with a gender perspective

Presentation of a new issue of the Feminist Methodological Notebooks, this time on the assessment of plans and programmes with a gender perspective. Sign up!

05/10/2022 - 10:00

A week for equality, equity and promotion with the Women and Sport Meetings

The Unió Esportiva d'Horta (UEH) is organising the Women and Sport Meetings from 3 to 8 October. The meetings offer a series of activities to stand up for, give visibility to and promote the role of women in sport.

03/10/2022 - 12:30

Record number of women participants in the 2022 Barcelona Triathlon

Taking place on 9 October at the Blue Pavilion, the competition boasts the highest ever percentage of women participation: 30%.

Dones Amunt
19/09/2022 - 10:01

Do you want to take part in the “Dones Amunt” project?

It’s a project that promotes a better quality of life for women and their empowerment through individual and group sessions.