Nurse and midwife. At the age of 14, Ramona Vía and Pros began to keep a diary where she described her experiences as a nurse during the Spanish Civil War and the post-war period. The diary was published years later, in 1966, entitled Nit de Reis: Diari d’una infermera de 14 anys. [Twelfth Night: Diary of a 14-year-old Nurse]. She spent most of her life in El Prat de Llobregat where she worked as a midwife for 30 years. In the 1970s, she published the journal Com neixen els catalans [How Catalans are Born], in which she talked about her experience from the first time she attended her a birth in 1945 up until 1972. As a writer, she collaborated on publications such as Vida Nova, Serra d’Or, En Patufet and Cavall Fort.

Today the primary care centre, located near Les Moreres station, bears her name.

Vilafranca del Penedès 1922 – Girona 1992 ID 6676

She is the author of Nit de Reis: Diari d’una infermera de 14 anys and Com neixen els catalans, in which she recounts her almost 30 years of experience as a midwife in El Prat de Llobregat, a city which has made her an Adoptive Daughter.