She is an iconic movie star and an extraordinarily talented actress, as confirmed by the 155 films she has made during her career. She started out in the world of advertising, working as a model in the early 1960s, and was also part of the leftist artistic and intellectual movement Gauche Divine, whose epicentre of activity was Barcelona’s Bocaccio Boite. She entered the world of cinema in the mid-1960s, and thereafter became a constant presence in magazines, TV programmes and films. She worked with Victor Aranda, Pedro Lazaga, Mariano Ozores and Antonio Mercero, but one of her favourite films is the masterpiece by Víctor Erice, El espíritu de la colmena. In 1984, she began her career as a businesswoman and founded the Gimpera Models school in Barcelona, while only occasionally going back to acting. The Catalan government awarded her the Creu de Sant Jordi (St George’s Cross) in 2017.

Igualada, 1936 ID 1962

Actress, entrepreneur and model, she made her debut in advertising before taking the leap to the cinema. Eighty-seven films confirm her successful career. In 1984 she founded the Gimpera Models school in Barcelona.