Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Citizen Council for Sustainability

The Citizen Council for Sustainability is a consultative and participation city sector body acting in domains related to sustainability. It is the promoter of the Public Commitment for Sustainability, the road map of citizens, organizations and governments to advance together towards a more sustainable city.

It is regulated by internal procedures approved by the Full Council of the City of Barcelona on October 3, 2014, effective as of November 4, 2014. From the entry into force of this regulation, the hitherto City Council for Environment and Sustainability became the Citizen Council for Sustainability. The council aims to represent the different groups and sectors involved in achieving the goals of the Commitment and become the promoter of new strategies for engagement, co-responsibility and participation of citizens' organizations.



To help spread the culture of sustainability in the city driving the public commitment towards sustainability, its implementation and monitoring.


To promote studies, make proposals and issue opinions on municipal activities in sustainability, as well as other programs or initiatives in areas considered of special interest.


To promote participatory processes between the organizations signing the network's Commitment towards Sustainability, in order to submit certain reports or ratify initiatives.


To account for its activities to all network organizations signing the Citizen Commitment for Sustainability and consider their proposals for priority actions in the future.


To assess the municipal budgets for sustainability.


To issue reports on the Municipal Action Programme, in the field of sustainability.


To make proposals to the City Council so they can be added on the agenda of the Municipal Council, all of them related to sustainability in the city.