Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Fàbrica del sol

The Fàbrica del Sol is a municipal environment facility that integrates a series of services aimed at adults and families for renewable energies, urban ecology and sustainability. One of the services it offers is a permanent exhibition with guided tours. The exhibition is currently in the process of renovation and will open to the public this coming summer of 2017.

Even so, the Fàbrica del Sol has an activities programme enshrined in five basic goals that it has drawn from the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability for 2012-2022:

  • Goal 5. A rational use of resources: from consumer society to responsible consumption.
  • Goal 6. Good governance and social responsibility: from sectoral intervention to effective coordination.
  • Goal 7. Well-being of the people: from welcoming city to cohesive society.
  • Goal 8. Progress and development: from concern for sustainability to an economy based on it.
  • Goal 10. Planetary resilience and responsibility: from one-off responses to global action.

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