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Ada Colau to head Europe in the global network of cities fighting climate change

21/07/2021 - 13:21 h

The Mayor assumes the role of European vice-chair with the C40 Steering Committee and takes over from the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. Colau will share the post with the Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala. The appointment recognises the effort and leadership of Barcelona among major global cities in terms of the fight against climate change, with projects that have attracted worldwide interest, such as the Climate Plan, the Barcelona Superblock, the plan to protect areas around schools and the power distributor Barcelona Energia.

Municipal members of the C40 represent 700 million people and a quarter of the global economy. Through collaboration and innovation, political representatives forming part of the network are committed to compliance with the Paris Agreements: to limit global warming and build healthier and more equal communities.

Municipal climate change projects setting an international example

The Climate Plan 2018-2030 is the specific roadmap for tackling climate change in the city. The goal is to cut emissions per inhabitant by 45% by 2030. The plan, with its four main areas of mitigation, adaptation, citizen action and climate justice, was recognised by the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy as the best initiative by a major European city.

Other projects which have become international examples include the Barcelona Superblock and the ‘Protegim les escoles’ programme, which between them form part of an effort to transform the city into a safer and healthier place, with less fumes and fewer private vehicles meaning public space is used more by the community for children to play in.

Barcelona is also the World Sustainable Food Capital this year. This involves over ninety projects and policies to foster sustainable food with a programme stretching from the start of the year through until the end of December.

The C40 post being taken on by the Mayor comes in addition to her role as UN spokesperson for the UCLG, the main global city network.