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Greenery and Biodiversity Charter to guide the design of green spaces in the city

21/06/2022 - 14:54 h

The Greenery and Biodiversity Charter includes advice on how to design the city and its green spaces taking into account social and environmental services and introducing criteria to favour biodiversity and sustainability. The goal is to apply the criteria from the charter and make the city more liveable, with public space at the service of citizens and greater value placed on nature.

The guide covers perspectives relating to the environment, time, multi-scaling, landscape and multidisciplinary approaches in the design of the city, working with and for nature. The idea is to move forward in the way public space is designed so that it responds to the challenges of life in the city.

The idea is to apply the charter to projects for urban development, building and the improvement of public space, as a tool for the design of sites, water and vegetation. Similarly, the plan is to promote the criteria in the charter, define the mechanisms for monitoring the application of measures and to bring together the lessons learnt, which must lead to a better design.

The charter is aimed at all those involved in the design project and is conceived as a common reference framework for those devising the project and for all other technical staff working in different municipal areas and involved in putting together projects for green spaces.

The document is also intended as an open reference guide for local people involved in public participation processes relating to green spaces and the care of urban nature.

The Greenery and Biodiversity Charter was drafted by Barcelona Regional, with the collaboration of the Area for Urban Ecology at the City Council and the consultation of external professionals. It forms part of the Nature Plan 2021-2030, which sets out action for the short, medium and long term relating to biodiversity in the city, with three key priorities:

  • More greenery and biodiversity
  • Conservation and improvement of greenery and biodiversity
  • With and for citizens