‘Barcelona Camina’, a challenge which accumulates steps to promote a healthy lifestyle

08/07/2024 - 12:17 h - Sports Ajuntament de Barcelona

This initiative, which starts on 13 July and runs until 8 September, aims to encourage people to engage in sport.

The Barcelona Institute of Sports launches a new campaign to promote an active and healthy lifestyle, with the challenge ‘Barcelona Camina’.

The challenge is to achieve 320,000 individual steps, either by walking, running or any other physical exercise in movement. Taking part is simply a matter of downloading the Fittoken Move app, adding the code ATLAS to the register and linking the app with Google Fit or Apple Health. Smart watches can also be used.

Those who complete the challenge will be entered in a draw for two smart watches and five vouchers for 100 euros in sports material. Participants can also accumulate steps by taking part in the walks organised by Barnatresc, as well as their virtual versions, during the challenge period.

If you have any problems with the app, you can consult this Telegram group.