New York City councillor Francisco Moya visits Barcelona to create even closer sporting ties between the twin cities of NY and Barcelona

The meeting, part of the sports twinning project launched in New York last autumn, aims to promote collaboration on international sporting events and encourage sporting activity between Barcelona and New York.

02/09/2024 - 13:26 h

Yesterday, Barcelona City Council’s councillor for sport, David Escudé, welcomed Francisco Moya, councillor for New York City’s 21 district, who’s on an official visit that aims to strengthen sporting ties between the two cities.

During Mr Moya’s stay in Barcelona, the NYC representative and David Escudé had the chance to experience one of the world’s most prestigious sailing events first hand – the America’s Cup. With easterly winds around 10 knots, the conditions in the Catalan capital were just about perfect. The event has provided the public with some spectacular days of competition, where the crews have excelled with changes of leadership, crosses, and match-race tactics that have captivated spectators.

The event has served to give the New York councillor a taste of Barcelona’s power as a sporting city, and to boost the will of both cities to continue to collaborate on future international sports projects.