Registration period open for La Mercè Fun Run 2024

This year’s event includes a new family category, the Cursa Familiar de la Mercè Bimbo Global Race.

25/07/2024 - 10:54 h

As part of the festivities for La Mercè, the streets of Barcelona are set to fill with runners again on Sunday, 29 September, celebrating the city’s local festival through sport.

The registration period to take part is now open.

With its usual distance of 10 kilometres, the race starts in Av. Reina Maria Cristina at 8.30 am and explores the city centre, visiting iconic spots such as Av. Paral·lel, Pg. San Joan and Pl. Universitat. The maximum number of participants will be 12,000 runners; registration will be closed when this figure is reached.

The adapted 2 km run is linked to the 10 km race and aimed at people over the age of 14 with intellectual disabilities, reduced mobility or other physical factors which mean they are unable to cover the 10 km distance.

This is the first time the family version, the Cursa Familiar, will be held, forming part of the different categories in the La Mercè Bimbo Global Race. This version is aimed at families, in any format, whose physical condition and/or age mean they are unable to cover the main 10 km route, or simply prefer not to.

The registration period is now open and will close once 12,000 participants have signed up to take part in the 10 km and 2 km events, plus the 1 km event in the case of the Familiar Mercè Bimbo Global Race.