The Barcelona School Sports Council presents its study on “gender parity”

22/11/2023 - 15:54 h

Working to combat the stereotypes that are often associated with school-age sports, the Barcelona School Sports Council (CEEB) points out that despite the efforts made as a society in recent years, the struggle is by no means over. With the media’s attention focused firmly on football, the study highlights the need to direct this attention towards other disciplines and sporting environments. This broader focus is crucial in order to promote a large-scale social transformation.

The CEEB dedicated a full year to this research, which has focused on children and young people in Barcelona between the ages of 6 and 17. The figures show that of the population studied, (179,358), 14,019 girls and 18,412 boys participate in some form of licensed sporting activity on a regular basis, but there are still some sports with a clear gender bias. The most male-dominated sports are football, chess, judo, table tennis and handball, whereas volleyball, gymnastics and Dancesport have the highest levels of female participation.

This important study was presented today, Wednesday 22 November, at 12.30 pm at the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum. The event was attended by Jessica Vall, Olympic swimmer and patron of the CEEB, Jaume Mora, Chair of the CEEB and David Escudé, councillor for Sports at Barcelona City Council.

The study not only offers a detailed picture of the current situation, it also serves as a guide for establishing policies and practices that promote equitable and inclusive participation in school sports. With this initiative, the CEEB is making a significant contribution to building a fairer and more egalitarian sporting environment for all future generations.