The countdown for CSIO Barcelona 2024 begins with the "Hissant les Veles” winning obstacle

The show-jumping obstacle pays tribute to the city’s profound link with the sea, a key part of Barcelona's history and identity.

18/09/2024 - 14:25 h

The CSIO Barcelona 2024 show-jumping competition gets under way with the presentation of the obstacle which won the design competition “A leap for the city”. Entitled “Hissant les Veles” [hoisting the sails], and designed by the students María Aguirre and Clara Julià from the Elisava, Faculty of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, the obstacle was the chosen work in this tenth edition of the event.

The design features a sculpted image of a sailing boat unfurling its sails as it goes through the iconic Rambla del Mar bridge. The horses jumping this obstacle will simulate the movement of a sailing boat moving through water in a symbolic tribute to Barcelona’s nautical spirit.

The presentation starts the countdown for CSIO Barcelona 2024, which is being held from 3 to 6 October. Now in its 112th edition, the event includes the grand final of the Longines League of Nations, where the top eight nations in the world will be competing. This prestigious international event is the oldest in the Spanish state and one of the best known on the global equestrian calendar.