4 million euro investment plan to help sports facilities deal with the drought

Barcelona City Council is set to launch a 4 million euro investment plan to help sports facilities to optimise their water use and deal with the drought situation.

26/02/2024 - 11:43 h

Barcelona City Council is set to launch a 4 million euro investment plan to help sports facilities to optimise their water use and deal with the drought situation.

The special fund will benefit some 900 public and private sector entities and will be used to finance measures that reduce the use of water resources in sports facilities, such as;

  • Reducing water pressure in showers.
  • Installing sensors.
  • Automating certain cleaning processes.
  • Improving irrigation systems using non potable water.

In this way it aims to ensure both federated and grass roots sports practise is able to continue at time when the measures applied to deal with the emergency situation 1 affecting Barcelona could place in jeopardy the survival of a sector that is key to improving people’s health and generating employment.

This measure comes in addition to other key investments to tackle the drought, such as the 14.4 million euro for extending and improving the city’s groundwater network.