Interoperability modules
Reference framework
The new Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Authorities (LPACAP) establishes that e-procedures have to constitute the regular actions of public authorities to better serve the principles of effectiveness and efficiency in cost saving, transparency obligations and citizens’ guarantees. The Municipal Institute of Information Technology is working on expanding and improving interoperability to comply with the obligations created under this new Act.
Municipal information systems manage and process several types of administrative files and procedures: grants and subsidies, procurement, taxes, licences etc. Each of these processes or procedures often requires consultations over data from other public authorities. Many cases are currently resolved when citizens are provided with documents from other authorities.
The Barcelona Interoperability Gateway (PDIB) is a piece of architecture that will act as a common module for managing and providing security to access points and data from other authorities and issues from Barcelona City Council itself to other bodies.
This interoperability will enable improvements to be made to the City Council's processes, as well as reduce the use of paper, workloads and administration time. For Barcelona’s citizens and businesses it will reduce administrative burdens, avoid the need for travel and speed up procedures.