The new open-access website is aimed at professionals, researchers, activists and the general public alike. Users can find information in three languages, with the resource to be updated regularly to include the most recent data available.
The repository “Gender in numbers” comes from the report of the same name, published in 2019, transforming it to provide access to updated figures on women’s life conditions in Barcelona.
The resource offers an exhaustive range of data to provide a detailed and accurate insight into situations of gender inequality which exist in the city in eleven areas:
- Socio-demographic profile
- Occupations
- Domestic and care work
- Income, housing and the feminisation of poverty
- Political and social participation
- Health
- Education
- Culture and collective memory
- Lives free of gender violence
- Urban space and environment
- Mobility
All this information was so far available from twenty different sources, with partial and in some cases obsolete access. By grouping data and applying regular updates, the repository will not only provide access to complete information but also follow the evolution of the situation of women and gender inequalities in the city over time.
The “Gender in numbers” website is a collaborative internal work which involved specialist staff from various departments at the City Council, such as the General Directorate for Gender Service and Time Policies, the Municipal Data Office, the Municipal IT Institute and the Department for Digital Channels.