Barcelona as the World Capital for Time Use Policies

02/04/2022 - 10:30

Time use. A year to generate awareness, give more visibility to time use policies and extend their positive impact to society, companies and the planet.

Barcelona is to become the first World Capital for Time Use Policies, a role created by the Network of Local and Regional Governments to generate awareness, give more visibility to time use policies and extend their positive impact to society, companies and the planet.

A programme of events has been planned for the year, designed to promote changes in social organisations to improve time management for everyday life, and to find solutions for people to gain in quality of life.

The main goals of this capital status, reaffirming the city as a global leader in time policies, include:

  • Rolling out the Barcelona Declaration on Time Use, signed by 75 institutions, organisations and research centres around the world and calling for recognition of the right to time as a basic citizen right, shared equally, fairly, efficiently and healthily. The aim here is to develop and implement time policies which improve people’s quality of life, address aspects such as the impact of digitalisation and teleworking, the gender divide in time poverty, work-life balance, healthier working times and sustainable mobility. The goal of the declaration is to provide a roadmap for the period 2022-2024, get the EU to include specific recommendations on the right to time and formalise the Urban Time Agenda.
  • Boost the Network of Local and Regional Governments for Time Use, which is made up of various local and regional organisations from Catalonia, France and Italy. The goal of the network is to share knowledge between members by exchanging experiences and good practice among cities and regions, moving forward together on the time use agenda.
  • Prepare Time Use Week for 2022 and 2023, as an international space for the promotion of time policies.