Measures linked to the organisation of working time, a key strategy to attract and retain professionals of all age groups and genders.
Over the last years, greater flexibility and autonomy in the organisation of working time has become one of the aspects that people value most when they opt for a job. The possibility of remote working, flexible daily working hours, a compressed week or the guarantee of the right to digital disconnection are some of the measures that are considered key to attracting and retaining the best professionals.
In this context, many organisations have introduced changes in the organisation of time, culture and ways of working in order to adapt the needs of the company and the preferences and constraints of the people who are part of it.
With the Barcelona Award for innovative companies in the organisation and use of time, the city wants to continue to promote this movement for change, recognising and promoting companies that have made a significant effort to make progress in this area and that can be a reference for other companies in their sector. These measures not only have a positive impact on the results and productivity of the company, but are also important for moving towards a more sustainable, egalitarian and healthy city model.
The jury, made up of experts and representatives from the city’s economic, business, trade, trade union and academic sectors, will award prizes to companies according to their category:
- Micro, companies with fewer than 10 employees
- Small, companies with 10 or more employees and up to 50 employees
- Medium, companies with more than 50 employees and up to 250 employees
- Large, companies with more than 250 employees
In addition, if there is an opportunity, there will be a special mention to a company from the NUST Network (Network of Enterprises for a New Time to Work).
The period for the submission of proposals runs from 15 September to 15 November 2022.
The procedure is easy to follow via the Portal for procedures. For more information, please consult the Award website.