17/11/2020 - 17:22

Mutual support tools to tackle male violence towards women in digital spheres

25N. Some 15% of women in Barcelona have suffered cyberharassment online, by email or by mobile.

Created by Freepik
16/11/2020 - 12:45

Survey on the uses of time and confinement

CONFINEMENT. A CEO survey shows the differences between men's and women's experiences of time use, teleworking, and domestic work and care during confinement.

16/11/2020 - 10:55

The full videos of the two sessions of the webinar ‘Looking at Gentrification from a Gender Perspective. Impact and Possible Responses in the Context of Covid-19' are now available.

The full videos of the two sessions of the webinar ‘Looking at Gentrification from a Gender Perspective. Impact and Possible Responses in the Context of Covid-19' are now available.

11/11/2020 - 14:00

2020 Manifesto for 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence towards Women.

2020 Manifesto for 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

09/11/2020 - 14:54

The Municipal Unit against Human Trafficking attended to 210 people in 2019

Human rights. Most of the victims are sexually exploited women without their papers in order, aged 18 to 39.

Salut mental
03/11/2020 - 13:13

New groups for mourning and emotional support open to all

COVID-19. Support groups are being organised to help with emotional health and the grieving process.

29/10/2020 - 11:21

As of 2 November, Women's Information and Assistance Points will have a new telephone number

Change of phone number for the Women's Information and Assistance Points

27/10/2020 - 16:46

2030 Agenda: social, economic and environmental goals for the next ten years

2030 Agenda. The report will be presented to the Full Council and sets out how to get through the social, economic, environmental and health crisis and guarantee a sustainable future.

27/10/2020 - 09:05

Barcelona Award to the Innovative Company in Organisation and Time Use

Work-life balance. Applications for the 9th edition of the Barcelona Award to the Innovative Company in Organisation and Time Use can be submitted from November 1 to 30, 2020.

Espai de canguratge
22/10/2020 - 11:53

Concilia, the new municipal childminding service to help with work-life balance

Social Services. The initiative forms part of the Neighbourhood Plan and will operate as a pilot scheme until February.