A teacher and educationalist who was a leading figure in educational modernisation in Catalonia during the first third of the twentieth century. Thanks to her, a generation of teachers emerged during the Second Republic who followed the path that opened up to new forms of pedagogy.

She completed her education degree in Madrid, where she was in touch with the Institución Libre de Enseñanza. There, her interest in learning about pedagogical methods outside Spain grew. She travelled to Belgium, Switzerland and Germany to further her education and knowledge.

When she returned to Barcelona, she was the driving force behind the creation of the Escola del Bosc (Forest School) on Montjuïc in 1914 to educate children in nature. All the classes were held outdoors. For two decades, she applied innovative teaching methods there. She also worked with the Institute of Culture and Popular Library for Women, created in 1909 by Francesca Bonnemaison.

During the Second Republic, she directed the Milà i Fontanals school group, but when Francoism took hold, she was purged and banned from teaching.

In 1965, she created the Rosa Sensat association as an educational renewal movement, which later became a teachers’ organisation with the educationalist Marta Mata at the helm.

Montjuïc mountain, where the Escola del Bosc was founded, is next to the L10 south stop at Foc.

El Masnou 1873 – Barcelona 1961 ID 2851

A benchmark in educational modernisation in Catalonia during the first third of the twentieth century. During the Republic, she directed the Milà i Fontanals school group, but after the triumph of Francoism, she was banned from teaching.