Between 1970 and 1979, almost 1,000 people were imprisoned for defending LGTBI rights in application of the Social Danger and Rehabilitation Act. They include Silvia Reyes, an activist involved in the struggle for the rights of transgender people who suffered from retaliation and was deprived of her freedom by being imprisoned around 50 times, including in the former Model prison. A resident of Barcelona since 1973, she has worked to promote the recognition, visibility and dignification of LGBTI people. In 1975, after being imprisoned in Badajoz for almost two months, she returned to Barcelona, but a judicial order forced her to leave Catalonia and not return for at least two years. Given her forced exile, she worked in cabarets and shows in France, Belgium and Switzerland. On 26 June 1977, she participated in the  first LGBT pride demonstration in Spain, which went along Barcelona's Ramblas and ended with police charges. Aware of the advances in recent decades but also the constant challenges of combating discrimination and inequality, her struggle for the rights of transsexual people continues today.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1949 ID 0680

An activist for the rights of transgender people, she was imprisoned under the Social Danger and Social Rehabilitation Act. In 1977 she participated in the first LGTBIQ+ pride demonstration  in Spain.