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Human Rights Resource Centre

The Human Rights Resource Centre aims to be a benchmark space for the city's residents, associations network and authorities working in the field of human rights and its guarantees, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination. 

IT GATHERS DOCUMENTS AND RESOURCES and disseminates them openly and accessibly, with the goal of:

  • Complementing the work of people involved in academic research and specialisation
  • Disseminating human rights and its guarantees, raising awareness among and informing the population in general through education and social teaching

IT ORGANISES TRAINING on discrimination and human rights.

IT ADVISES on human rights, from a municipalist perspective, connected to the territory and its civic fabric and associations’ network.

IT OVERSEES compliance with the protocols of the human rights-based approach in documents and in the field of municipal action.

A specific service offered is the Human Rights Defenders School, where training is given to individuals and entities dedicated to the defense of human rights, promoting the active role of citizens in their defense.


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Training and awareness-raising
Document section
Human rights organizations

Dissemination and knowledge of the legal and theoretical frameworks that surround human rights are fundamental for requiring their political compliance while also raising awareness among and educating city residents in respecting and promoting them. The Resource Centre has a bibliographic collection available with documents that can be consulted.

If you prefer, you can also access several documentary collections online, classified according to type: legal papers, studies and reports, and awareness-raising resources.

Legal documents

Universal Human Rights Tools


European-level regional mechanisms

Studies, reports and dossiers


Alerta 2019! Informe sobre conflictos, derechos humanos y construcción de paz (ESP)



UN Human Rights Council (ENG)



Charter of Emerging Human Rights (ENG)



Directrices sobre la Protección de los Defensores de los derechos humanos (ESP)

Gendering Documentation. A Manual For and About Women Human Rights Defenders (ENG)

Guía de facilitación para el nuevo manual de protección para los defensores de derechos humanos (ESP)

Los Defensores de los Derechos Humanos: Protección del Derecho a Defender los Derechos Humanos (ESP)

Nuevo Manual de Protección para los Defensores de derechos humanos (ESP)

Protection Handbook for Human Rights Defenders (ENG)

Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders (ENG)

Workbook on Security: Practical Steps for Human Rights Defenders ar Risk (ENG)



CIBERESPECT Guía práctica de intervención en línea para ciberactivistas (ESP)

COMPASS: Manual de Educación en los Derechos Humanos con jóvenes (ESP)

(Deconstruir) la imatge de l’enemic (CAT)

Delitos de odio. Guia práctica para la abogacía (ESP)

Discurs d'incitació a l'odi: Anàlisis des dels drets humans i pautes interpretatives (CAT)

¿Es odio? Manual práctico para reconocer y actuar frente a discursos y delitos de odio (ESP)

Guía para combatir  el discurso de odio (ESP)

Handbook on European non-discrimination law (ENG)

L’abordatge dels delictes d’odi i les discriminacions a Barcelona (CAT)

La discriminació, el racisme i la xenofòbia contra els immigrants estrangers i les minories ètniques a Catalunya (CAT)

Manual de legislació europea contra la discriminació (CAT)

Manual práctico para la investigación y enjuiciamiento de delitos de odio y discriminación (ESP)

The right to equality and non-discrimination in the administration of justice (ENG)



Papel de la administración local en la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos. Informe final del Comité Asesor del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, Naciones Unidas (ESP)



El derecho a una vivienda adecuada (ESP)

Radiografies de la situació del dret a l’habitatge, la pobresa energètica i el seu impacte en la salut a Barcelona (CAT)



Aquí no es pot protestar. Desprotecció del dret de reunió i de manifestació (CAT)

Repressió i gènere. Resistències i aportacions a la lluita anti-repressiva  des dels feminismes (CAT)



A Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming (ENG)

Declaración y Plataforma de Acción de Beijing (ESP)

Guía de capacitación en derechos humanos de las mujeres (ESP)

Herramientas básicas para integrar la perspectiva de genero en organizaciones que trabajan derechos humanos (ESP)

Los derechos de la mujer son derechos humanos (ESP)



Drets humans: Preguntes i respostes (CAT)

Derechos Humanos. Manual para Parlamentarios (ESP)

Human Rights. A Basic Handbook for UN Staff (ENG)



Manual de Educación en los Derechos Humanos con jóvenes COMPASS (ESP)

Countering underreporting and supporting victims of anti-LGTB hate crime. Good practices report

Herramientas para prevenir y combatir la LGTB (ESP)

Protection manual for LGBTI defenders (ENG)

Trabajar con víctimas de delitos de odio anti-LGTB (ESP)




Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights treaty bodies training guide (ENG)




Carta d'Associació per al progrés de les comunicacions sobre els drets d'internet (CAT)

Efectes de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació sobre els drets humans (CAT)


Awareness-raising resources of CRDH or external



How do we participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council? (interactive)

Civil society and citizens have the right to interact with the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Do you want to participate in your meetings? Do you want to provide information for the drafting of a report? Do you want to report a specific case of human rights violations or invite experts to the city of each one?

This interactive explains the steps to follow if you want to interact.


Cities for Rights (exhibition)

Exhibition that includes 24 examples of good practices for the accomplishment of human rights of 23 local entities in Europe. Experiences are included in the various principles of the chart:

  •      Right to city, equality and non-discrimination (protection to the most vulnerable groups ...), civil and political rights of proximity (political participation, information ...)
  •      rights related to local administration (public services, transparency)
  •      or the mechanisms for guaranteeing proximity human rights (proximity police, local law enforcement officers, etc.)




Manual El Petit Compàs (CAT): A manual aimed at educational professionals, from both the area of formal education and the entities that work using informal educational methods intended to offer guidance and ideas on how to work on knowledge, tools and attitudes for the knowledge, protection and defence of human rights. This is a translation and adaptation of the education manual on human rights from the Council of Europe that the community of educators in the European area have been successfully using over the last few years.

Material published by AHEAD: Association of Educators in Human Rights


Maleta refugi (CAT): A collection of educational tools and resources for various educational stages, to combat the main rumours against and stereotypes of refugees and contribute to encouraging the inclusion of this collective in our society. It is also aimed at debunking discriminatory and xenophobic speeches appearing in some municipalities and at promoting solidarity and justice attitudes.

Material published by the Catalan Commission for Refugee Aid (2017). Authors: Montse Lòpez and Elena Díez Villagrasa


Cities Defending Human Rights (CAT): This is a project coordinated by the Catalan Development Cooperation Fund, with Catalan municipalities and other institutions taking part. The project is aimed at introducing the work being carried out by human rights defenders to all the residents of the participant municipalities while raising awareness of the need to integrate the defence of human rights in our daily work. This link provides you with a dossier of educational files intended as a box containing important learning tools for acquiring knowledge on humans rights and enabling, above all, young people to develop the skills and attitudes needed for promoting and championing human rights.

Material promoted by the Catalan Development Cooperation Fund. Author: Montse López Amat


Human Rights. Educational directory (CAT): Directory of educational material prepared for the purposes of providing teachers and lecturers with educational material to facilitate their educational work on human rights in four specific areas: prisoners of conscience, the death penalty, torture and fair trials.

Material published by the Educational Group at Amnesty International Catalonia


Education for peace files (CAT): A selection of suitable dynamics and games for working on Education for Peace. These are activities that are especially suitable for leisure educational centres (youth clubs, groups, civic centres etc.) and for schools.

Material published by Fundipau.


A Human Rights Resource Centre working in synergy with the city's facilities and associations, and cross-referencing with other human rights resource centres. As a space at the service of the city, it is aimed at disseminating and raising the profile of the work being done by associations, collectives and institutions in human rights. It therefore gives everyone access to their services and resources while promoting mutual knowledge and networking.

International Human Rights Resource Centres